Preview: Add Subtract

New Drama.

New Story.

And it’s about arithmetic.

And work relief.  And Organizations.  And Power.  And National Security.

Plus it’s a Love Story.

A short preview of what is going to come.

Told as only the HWMS Audio Theatre can do it.

We’re Theatre Like You’ve Never Seen.

Embisivle Arrival

A suitcase on the sidewalk.

A weary traveller looking for an answer.

A stage manager, looking for dessert.

Introducing Kota Fudauchi to the audio drama Embisivle Friend.

Embisivle Friend: A Place for Innovation

A school.

A slightly unusual school. (Business curriculum.  Silicon Valley.)

A principal, slightly stressed.

A teacher. (ditto)

Broken plumbing.

A friend with a yellow car.

A successful corporate leader offering advice to a young protégé while pulling the funds from another.

And a little girl shall lead them all.

Just another day for the audio drama Embisivle Friend.

An audio feature drawn from our story “Embisivle Friend”.

Waiting for Lillian Moller Gilbreth

What’s to be done?

Waiting at an old train station.

Not for a train of course.

But will she come?

Does she ever come?

To New Jersey.

Deepest New Jersey.

A peek into the Audio Drama Embisivle Friend.

Embisivle Work

Cermack Road, Cicero, Illinois

Once it was the center of the high tech world.

Now it is a shopping mall.

A mall that is barely making ends meet.

Not a promising future for Silicon Valley.

But a useful place to introduce a new cast member.

A peek into the Audio Drama Embisivle Friend.

Embisivle Friend: Playing the Role

Every now and then you need to assess.

Take a look backwards.

Ask “who did that character become?”

With this episode, we return to the world of the adult Madison Insullie and see her dealing with adult problems.


The 11th episode of the Audio Drama Embisivle Friend.

Embisivle Friend: Additive Education

We’ve lost our faith in books.

We’ve lost faith in texts.

May may have even lost faith in problem sets.

Learning by doing.

Learning by interning.

Learning by being mentored.  It’s what you demand when you’re an 8 year old entrepreneur.

And a plasma steel cutter, just for good measure.

The 10th episode of the Audio Drama Embisivle Friend.

Embisivle Garage

Is a startup a startup if it doesn’t start up in a garage?

That’s the myth.  We start with nothing but our wits and a little empty space from our parents, or our aunt, or some unrelated person up the street.  More companies have started in a garage than you might think.

But at the same time, does it really matter?

In an effort to answer this question, Josh LaForce and the Stage Manager explore the streets of Palo Alto.

Embisivle Friend: Securing the Future

“Don’t let your kids take capital from strangers.”

It’s the warning that parents should give their kids in Silicon Valley.

But parents may reason “if the kids get the investment, could things really be that bad?”

Aravinda finds herself tested in the newest episode of the audio drama that puts our business future squarely in the hands of children.

The 9th episode of the Audio Drama Embisivle Friend.