A war. A battle. A conflict with oneself. A desire to do something goo, something great, something memorable. A researcher finds herself on the front line. A captain, her best friend, is given the opportunity to advance. In the end, what will any of this gain?
A drama about war, status, and how we think about ourself. Zoe Anastsssiou as Professor Alec Effson. Ana De Loret as Captain Celi Pritel.
The story begins.
A distance battlefield.
A recent defeat.
And a woman who needs an answer to the question “How close I have been to death?”
Cast, in order of appearance:
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The Dark Angel visits the battlefield.
She carries her paperwork and her description of research to be done.
How close does one ever come to death?
Can we refuse to accept it just the way we refuse a mistaken delivery?
Alec Effson has her own questions. Act 2 of “Your Results May Vary.”
• Zoe Anastassiou – Professor Alec Effson
• Debbon Ayer – Dr. Tamla Portillo
• Ron Bianchi – Major C. O Beason
• Monica Dakin – Seor
• Ana Deloret – Captain Celi Pritel
• Kato Fudauchi – Corporal Anju Juma
• Geoffrey Grier – Major Geo Huber
• Josh LaForce – Major Eaton Willard
• Michelle Thomas-Hanson – Eta Tacqua & the Stage Manager
Posting for Act 3
The end of the town. Don’t go down. Don’t ever go down, as the song says, if you don’t go down with me. Preparing to visit the battle. Learning to negotiate a small town only a few miles from the conflict. Two things that are not that different when the town is Kapu Varo. Alec Effson gets a dramatic lesson in Act 3 of “Your Results May Vary.”
A preliminary visit. A warning shot at an awkward time. A suggestion that the local population might not as welcoming as they might appear. An angry research director, who had to drag a research team to the battlefield when they claimed that they could do conflict research from the safety of their laboratories. Military and scientific research. Pressure is applied and the mixture goes badly in Act 4 of “Your Results May Vary.”
The day has come. The hour has arrived. The troops are deployed against an insurgent stronghold. And Professor Effson has gone to the battlefield to study, to observe, to see how the residents behave in combat. One small change and with that change, her work hangs in the balance.
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